Affiliated to ATF and ITF

International Throwball Federation-ITF

Asian Throwball federation - ATF

"The dispute between Throwball Federation of India ( Delhi )and Throwball Federation of India (Bangalore) was settled at (Delhi )court on 23rd July 2024. The decision was in favour of the Throwball Federation of India (Bangalore)."

Govinda Raj K N   Secretary General TFI
T. Ramu   TFI Treasurer
Dr. T. Ramanna   Patron
Dr. S. Mani


Dr. T. Ramanna


Govinda Raj K N

Secretary General TFI

Dr. P. Ramu

TFI Treasurer

Dr. S. Mani   President
Telangana Throwball Association
Karnataka men and women winners

Karnataka Men and Women Winners

Karnataka men and women winnersq

Register Here!

“Throwball For Health & Academic Scores”. 

“Professional Player

     Registration Form”. 

Register Here!


Hon'ble central minister KANTI SINGH was a chief guest. She has witnessed the match both men and women and distribute the prizes for all winners.


 Throwball federation of India (TFI) has conducted

44th Senior National Throwball Championship

At Ara (Bihar) from 14th to 16th March 2024


Karnataka State won the championship in both the men and women section

 Tamilnadu State acquired runner up in both the men and women team

 Maharashtra State acquired 3rd place in the men section


Telengana State acquired 3rd place in the women section


Up Coming Continentals:

Asian Throwball championship at Chennai, July 2024.

Register Now!

Our Upcoming Event . . .


  • “Junior Nationals Throwball Championship” in September 2024 at Pondichery.
  • “Asia Cup Throwball Championship” September 2024 in Abudhabi, UAE.
  • “Indo - Srilanka International Championship” in September 2024 at Hosur, Tamilnadu.
  • “Asian Throwball Championship” November 2024 at Noida, UP India.
  • “Commonwealth Games” at Chennai in December 2024.
  • “Indo Thailand Throwball Championship” at Bangkok, Thailand in Aug 2025.

Glimpse of the Game played

Glimpse of the Game played
Glimpse of the Game played
Glimpse of the Game played
Glimpse of the Game played
Glimpse of the Game played
Recent Throwball Internationals & India's Winning

Indo-Thailand Throwball Tournament 2018

Organized by Asian Throwball Federation

Indian Women's team
Indian Men's team

Game Highlights

Over 200 members and growing, We love our team.


TFI Team
TFI Team
TFI Team

Our Achievements

Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement

[ 33 +]
State Units

[ 62 +]

[ 47 +]

[ 80 +]

[ 20 +]

[ 1Lakh]
[ 7 ]

[ 6 ]
Asian Championships

Award Winning Players



Office Address
No 29 Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road

Bangalore 560027.

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