International Throwball Federation

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Dear Leaders and Sports Lovers,

International Throwball Federation (ITF) participated in "World Congress on Sports Science + Sports Medicine" actively and gained lots of attention on playing throwball from eminent participants!!

It gives an immense pleasure for Throwball Team for sharing the below details.

Our Throwball Team Coaches, Players and members of TFI, ATF and ITF, Dr Ramanna Sir, Mr Mani Sir, Mr Prabhu Sir, Mr Ramu sir , Mrs Sampoorna, Mr Santhosh sir , Mr Sharan sir, Mrs Nethra and 14 Throwball players attended the World Congress on Sports Science + Sports Medicine Conference and even had a demo match regarding the same.

Dr Mani sir as a guest speaker, spoke about Journey of Throwball and Mrs Sampoorna as a Guest of Honour & Guest speaker, spoke about how our Throwball can be used as therapy under the presence of Dr Ramanna Sir. We all had wonderful opportunity to meet the different people associated with Sports and Medicine under one roof. Thanks to Dr Kaukab Azeem sir, Dr. Kalyan Biradar Sir for giving us the opportunity.

Below are the pics regarding same.

Thanks & Regards 

Nethra KR

ITF Team

Dear Leaders and Sports Lovers,

We are glad to share that our Throwball research paper got published in Prestigious Scopus publications, in the journal 

“Specialusis Ugdymas/ Special Education”.

Titled as "Study on Impact of Throwball for Health, Body fat, Muscle Bulk and Mental Health Improvement with Alcoholic and Drug Abuse Youth" that was presented in ScienceNet Conference in Oct 2022 at Sydney, Australia. 

Hearty Congratulations to Dr. Ramanna T, Mrs. Sampoorna Hegde, Dr. Arvind Canchi, Dr. Mani S. Mr. Sharan and the entire Throwball family who contributed for Throwball & this study.

Below is the Article and its content:

Study on Impact of Throwball for Health, Body fat, Muscle Bulk and Mental Health Improvement with Alcoholic and Drug Abuse Youth

Main Article Content

Dr. T Ramanna , Mrs. Sampoorna Hegde , Dr. Arvind Conjeevaram , Dr. S Mani , Mr. Sharan

Abstract Background and Objectives: Throwball is a non-contact ball sport played across a net between two teams of 7 + 5 players on a rectangular court. Playing the game entails movement as well as hand, eye, body co-ordination which can help as rehabilitation exercise for patients. The Throwball has grip around it and due to this grip, every time someone holds the ball, it gives acupressure to the palm. Our palm has acupressure points connected to each organ in the body. Therefore, playing throwball activates the entire nervous system and strengthens both internal and external organs. Objectives of this study is to understand the impact of throwball in improving the health, body fat and muscle bulk on people with Alcohol & drug addiction through statistical methods. Methods: A Pilot study was conducted with 56 inmates from Sri Sai Foundation, Alcohol, Drug Abuse Treatment, Counselling & Rehabilitation Center, Bengaluru. All subjects were male, with an average age of 39± 13 years. 13 throwball sessions were conducted in the span of 29 days. The daily routines of the participants were kept intact except for replacing 1 hour schedule with Throwball. Actofit Smart Scale was used for measuring the body composition. Microsoft Excel and PowerBI were used for data collection and statistical analysis. Results: The study showed significant improvement in body fat and muscle bulk of the participants. It reflected higher control over nervous system. Participants could balance and catch & throw the ball to target position, a reflection of improved eye-hand-brain co-ordination and nervous system improvement. The study also revealed improved appetite, mental happiness, going back to childhood and stamina.

Thanks & Regards,

Nethra ITF

Women Winner Bangladesh And Women Runner India

ITC-2023 Speakers list

Success And Spirit in Our Game

"Throwball for Health" at "Aruna Chethana Special School"

"Throwball for Therapy Health And Sport"

Throwball – World Cup International Throwball Federation (ITF)

We're happy to inform you that, Erode District throwball association conducted the state level vijayannand Memorial Trophy on 29th August 2021 at Suriya Engineering college, Erode.32 teams both boys and girls Participated in the championship. The following teams won the championship.

First Place‐ krishnagiri dt(boys)

Second Place‐ karur dt.(


First Place ‐ Tirupur Dt (girls)

Second Place‐ trichy Dt.

Third Place ‐ Erode Dt.

The following District teams have Participated in the state-level matches. Coimbatore dt got 1st Place and runner up by Trichy dt.At President, we have only 4 districts.

Coimbatore, Erode, Trichy, salem

"First ever 3rd Gender State level Throwball Tournament held in Erode, Tamilnadu, India."

4 districts participated where Coimbatore emerged as Winner, Trichy as Runner, followed by Erode and Salem. Throwball is always a diversity-friendly game and encourages inclusiveness and special attention to all types of diversity to play the game. Thanks to Dr. Mani (President, Throwball Federation of India) and his team for encouraging the 3rd gender teams. International Throwball Federation (ITF) also would encourage taking this across the world, supporting diversity."

State-level Throwball Tournament for 3rd gender